INTO North America reintroduces Washington State University with Direct Entry Options

4 April 2023

Following a joint review, Washington State University (WSU) and INTO University Partnerships (IUP) have undertaken an update to their long‐term partnership. In the new arrangement, the partnership will no longer offer academic programs through the INTO WSU center, but instead will focus on marketing WSU to international students and recruiting them for direct admission to WSU. 

Following this new agreement, IUP will represent WSU, advise international students about the university, and provide them with application support. Additionally, IUP’s student recruitment offices and regional recruitment teams will continue to promote and expand WSU’s brand presence using digital marketing platforms, brochures, and/or flyers. These services will be performed for all undergraduates delivered by WSU, but excluding sponsored students and athletes. 

The services, support and programming that were being provided by the INTO WSU center are now being provided by WSU’s Office of International Programs and the University. 

Key Facts: 

Programs:                                                             All undergraduate degrees offered at Pullman Campus 

Partner Portal and Application Live Date:      April 4, 2023 

Application Method:                                          Partner Portal only (No DEW) 

Application Fee:                                                  Yes - $70 

Recruitment to WSU will be supported through INTO North America and Kristen Oosten will act as the Recruitment lead for this partnership. As with all our direct entry recruitment partners, there are designated points of contact and for any questions related to Washington State University; agents are directed to contact using the email addresses below with questions or process issues. 

General Questions: 


At this time, we are not planning any external-facing training sessions specifically for this change to our partnership. WSU has been fully integrated into our Direct Entry resources and guide and should already be available.